Saturday, December 18, 2010

About Me!

I'm the mom who lives the misadventures. My name's Tiffany, most often called Mommy by the little monkeys that live in my house. I have three kidlets. C Monkey who is five, Baby A who is seven months, and Angel D who passed away shortly after he was born. I'm a full time Mommy, part time care taker of an older lady, and I also referree, cook, chauffer, nanny . . . the list goes on and on, but I guess you can count all of that in the mommy category.

A little about the kids:

Angel D would be six years old, he was my first baby. He lived for short time after he was born (59 minutes on his death certificate) because of a birth defect that was incompatible with life. It's called Cloacal Dysgenesis Sequence. Mommy still misses him.

Monkey C is a monkey. He will climb on anything he can get his hands up on. He loves cars, his mom, being spoiled and causing mayhem. And boy can he cause mayhem . . . He dislikes bath time, any type of meat, and car rides that aren't to the toy store.

Baby A is the youngest out of the bunch. She's also spoiled. She enjoys drooling, blowing raspberries, and eating. Her least favorite thing to do is sleep, Believe me, I know.

I hope to soon bring you reviews, and maybe some giveaways, of some WAHM products that I've grown to love, and some I haven't even heard of. I'd also like to take you through the misadventures that make up our life. Welcome to the nut house.


  1. Tiffany I love it! Your 'About Me' is perfect and clever. I can't wait to read more. I'm feeling overwhelmingly proud of you right now :)
